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Louis Challis

How To Run From A Standing Start

For many people trying to improve their fitness, running is the last thing they want to try. Memories of cold, wet and muddy mornings doing cross-country slogs at school will have been enough to put people off for years.

Indeed, the idea of simply dieting better or working out in a warm indoors environment is bound to seem more like a good idea to many, not least those who felt somewhat humiliated as fitter and faster classmates left them trailing far behind.

However, the key to running to get fit is not about speed, but about burning off the calories. It doesn’t matter that you’ll never win an Olympic medal.

A personal trainer in Fulham can help you achieve everything you need to running down the streets, riverbanks and parks of London. The way to success is a gradual one that requires dedication but is very manageable.

Any successful running programme for a beginner will start with very simple challenges. The key is to build up gradually. Whether it is running a bit further or running for a bit longer (and the latter will automatically lead to the former), you can amaze yourself with what you’re able to do a couple of months down the line.

It is very important to pay attention to details. On the one hand, you won’t need fancy gear. On the other, it is crucial to do some good stretches, warm-ups and warm-downs both before and after your run. The former helps you avoid injuries, while the latter stops you feeling stiff - and feeling like giving up - the next day.

Over time, you will build up some stamina naturally as you get in better shape, but this can be aided by some specific moves as you progress. One of these is to take longer runs, while another is to take some shorter runs but at a faster pace. Above all, however, it is important to keep up regular exercise by running three or four times a week.

The most important thing, however, is that you increasingly enjoy running as you get fit, because then it will become a natural part of your routine without breathlessness and few aches and pains – as well as keeping you in trim.

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